MOOC College Writing

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College Writing

The Office of English Language Programs and the University of California, Berkeley invite all interested parties ages 16 and above to a free Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on College Writing starting November 8, 2013.

Deadline for registrations: Thursday, November 7, 2013

For More Information, Contact The Internationalization Office At


  • The course is free of charge to all interested parties, preferably ages 16 and above.
  • Participants should have an intermediate or advanced level of English.
  • The course will last for 5 weeks, starting on November 8.
  • Most of the activities are asynchronous; estimated time commitment is 5-6 hours per week.
  • This is an introduction to academic writing for non-native English language speakers.
  • Participants will receive an electronic certificate of completion directly via the platform.


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